Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chapter One: I Seduced a Vampire

On my 21st birthday, I celebrated my transition into young-adulthood by moving back to my hometown of Bridgeport. When I was thirteen, I was forced to move to Sunset Valley due to a job proposal my father was offered. To some degree, I still resent him taking that offer.

Now that I was back in BP, I decided to head down to the park. I remember the endless days I used to spend there as a child. For the most part, I played by myself, but every now and then, I would meet another helpless soul who I would invite to play with me.

Although I would be at the park, I wouldn't be there to play. No, I was heading down to Bridgeport Acres strictly for business. I was a manhunt. I need to find myself a good handful of men for my challenge. As crazy as this may seem, I, Shayda "Shaydi" Elaine Buckley would be taking on The 100 Baby Challenge. Yes, this means that 100 little buns will be grow in my oven.

Unfortunately for me, when I arrived at The Acres, these two were the only people there. The lady in the black and white scaly dress was Katrina Pala. She's some big-shot who thinks that she is just so hot at playing the bass. If you ask me, my sister's French Poodle, Genevieve, has more talent than her.

The girl behind her is her daughter Hannah. I don't remember very much about her to be honest. When I left Bridgeport, she was only eight.

Since these two women were the only people in the park, I was forced to put my manhut on hold. Luckily for me, there were a few swings nearby. Hello there inner, child. Oh, how I have missed you.

A few hours later, possible candidates began to show up.

Here is Barry. His las name is Tenderlove, which I found to be quite interesting and amusing at the same time. Oh, and in the background is Ms. Pala "performing" for her audience.

Of course, I, the daughter of a well-known actress and a master mixologist, am more fascinating than a woman in her mid-forties playing the bass for tips; so, I stole her only viewer, which means, no tips for Ms. Pala. This, my friends, is Ace Wilde.

After chatting with Barry and Ace for a while, I noticed a man in uniform waltz into the park. I believe his name is Raman. I'm not sure, so please don't quote me on it!

Even though all three of these men were very sweet and exceptional kind, none of the above fathered my first child.

This handsome man, right here, is Beau Merrick. There was something about him that I found dangerously attractive, which is exactly why he was the father of my first child.

Of course, behind every special event in someone's life, there are events that led up to it.

After meeting three of my candidates, I decided to head home and prepare supper. Since I consider myself to be a horrific cook, I settled for a simple salad. I mean, I wasn't to burn down my new home on my first day in it! 

After feasting on my wonderful salad, I christened my hot tub.

I could have stayed in their all day, but there were more important things that I needed to do, like work on boosting my logic and athletic skill, but more importantly, I still needed to find a man, seduce him, and conceive his child. Yes, I know, I am such a devil. 

Before I had the opportunity to wither up like a prune, I removed myself from my hot tub. Once inside, I indulged myself in a game of chess. Well, technically, since I was playing against myself, it wasn't much of a game.

Sooner, rather than later, I found myself becoming a little fuzzy. Me + Fuzziness = Doing/saying stupid things that I shall not remember next day. Yeah, it was definitely time for me to go to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt a lot better. Not only was I in my right-frame-of-mind, but I was also very determined that I would be able to up my logic and athletic skill, and find a man to donate a small portion of his sperm supply.

Of course, before I tackled these tasks, I had other things to do.

I cleaned up my mess from last night because roaches and bugs in general, are two things that I am not very fond of.

Once the mess was gone, I helped myself to another portion of my awesome Autumn Salad. I really don't understand why there are people in the world who hate leftovers. I mean, if you ask me, some foods taste better the next day; and this salad was one of those foods.

Once I was done cleaning and eating, I went straight to exercising. My goal in life (aside from birthing and raising 100 children) was to have the perfect mind and body; and in order to accomplish this, I would need to take some time out of my day to exercise and play chess. Hopefully, after some of the kids are born, they'll have the same interest as me. That way, I won't look like an idiot playing chess by myself.

Eventually, my muscles crumble under the strength of fatigue. I figured that now would be the perfect time to find some more eligible bachelors.

I limped over to my bookshelf, grabbed the phone book, then hobbled over to the couch. I try to ease myself down on the couch, like a civilized human being, but instead, I crashed into the cushion while screaming, "Pain! Pain! Pain!" Never, in my life, would I work out for that long again!

I began flipping through the phone book at a slow and steady pace. My eyes scanned ever name and address caring and cautiously.

By the time I made it to the end of the book, forty new numbers were programmed into my phone. That's right, I managed to find forty possible suitors.

Just as went to close the book, something caught my eye.

"That's it!" I exclaimed excitedly, "This is exactly what I've been looking for!"

I wasted no time putting in a call.


I was so excited when he answered the phone, I could have peed on myself.

"Hi!" I leapt from my couch in excitement, forgetting about the tremendous amout of stress my body had just been though. Immediately, I regretted it, "Pain!" I squeaked softly as my leg stiffened..

"Pain?" So far, I was definitely in love with this man's voice, "What?"

I took deep calming breaths to keep myself from screaming, "Sorry," I sighed as I began to rub the lower half of my aching leg, "Um, my name is Shaydi Buckley, are you Mr. Merrick?"

"Yes, but you can call me-"

"Beau! Yes, I know!"

"Oh, um, all right... Uh, how did you get my number?"

"The phone book. You see, I'm new in town and I'm looking for some possible fath-" If I told him I was attempting the 100 Baby Challenge, he would think I was crazy for sure! "Friends!" I blurted out quickly, "I'm looking for some possible friends!"



"And out of all of the people in the phone book, you chose to call me?"



"What do you mean 'why'?" That was definitely not a question I was expecting.

"I hardly get phone calls from anyone. I live in a house full of women, so even though the phone is constantly ringing, none of those calls are ever for me."

"But, you answered..."

"I was the closet one to the phone."


"What do you want?"

I might as well come clean, "Is it true that you are a vampire?"

"Yes, it is." 

"Well, can you come over? I have a favor to ask of you."

"You can't ask me over the phone?" Beau inquired.

"No, not exactly. Besides, you live in a house full of women and I'm sure that there is more than one phone in the house. You never know, one of them could be listening in."

"Where do you live?"

"Applewood Lane."

"You mean that big plot of land on the otherside of the bridge that sits all by itself?"

"That would be the place."

"I'll be over there in a few."

I wasn't sure why the location of my house enthralled Beau, but I could worry about that later. At the moment, I was just thrilled that he was actually going to come over!

About ten minutes later, the sound of my doorbell echoed throughout my house. I hobbled over to the door as quickly as I could.

"Hello, my name is Beau, Merrick. You rang?"

I grabbed Beau by his wrist and pulled him inside of the house, "Yes, I did. I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"You mentioned that over the phone, remember? The reason I came over her was for you to tell me what it was that you wanted."


An awkward silence filled the room. How was I supposed to tell him that basically, I just wanted to have a one-night-stand with him?

"Look, I've got something to do, so if you could hurry this process up, I would really-"

"Let's screw."

Oh god, did I really just say that, out loud? 

"What?! I don't even know!"

"Does that matter?"

Beau was silent for a moment.

"I mean, a woman wearing practically nothing is standing in front of you and you're turning her down because you don't know her?"

"You're up to something," Beau murmured.

"Yeah, I am, but my scheme is none of your business." 

A sly grin graced Beau's face as he leaned in closer to me, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really!" I shot back.

"All right, let's go."


"Yes. Where's your bedroom?"

"The first door on your left once you get in the hallway." I couldn't believe that I was actually getting ready to go through with this! 

Once the who ordeal was over, I had mixed emotions about everything.

My whole body ached and my head was spinning! I couldn't believe that I, Shayda Elaine Buckley, was no longer what society considered "pure". I had just given my virginity to a total stranger and now I felt awful. Granted, Beau was a very attractive guy, and sure, I wanted a baby, but now I was doubting my actions.

I should have gotten to know him more before I let him into my bed, but the damage was done; and now, no matter what, I couldn't take it back.



Beau pressed his bare chest against my back before planting a gentle kiss on my neck, "Are you all right?" 

"I think you should leave."

"Leave, now?" Beau seemed to bit a bit confused by my suggestion. "But why? Did I do something?"

"Not exactly," I murmured, "I just think it would be best if you left. I feel awful and I really just want to take a nice, warm, relaxing-" my voice cracked in the middle of my statement, "Bubble bath."

Beau eyed me oddly, "Well, then, if you're in that much pain, prehaps I should stay the rest of the night. You know, just to make sure that you're all right."

"No, really. I want you to leave. Right now."

"All right," Beau kissed my neck once against before crawling out of the bed. "I'll call you in the morning, all right?"

"Okay." I didn't care whether he called or not, chances were, I wasn't going to answer my phone either way it went.
I watched as Beau made his way to the door. Then, it dawned on me, "Hey!"

Beau turned around slowly, "Yes?"

"Why did you seem so thrilled to find out that I live here?"

A devilish smile graced Beau's face, "Well, I wanted to meet the chick who was brave enough to isolate herself in a town full of vampires." Without another word, he left the room. Moments later, I heard the front door open, then shut.


It took me about two weeks to recover from the emotional and physical trauma I went throguh that night, but it was about six weeks before I mustered up the energy to venture outside of my house.

On my first day outside, I decided to break in my telescope.

I will admit, there were times where my telescope became a tool used for spying, instead of a tool I used for searching the skies; but, I must admit, some of those sights were quite humorous.

Others, on the other hand, well, yeah, let's just say I didn't look into my telescope anymore, that day.

After being scarred from the sights I witnessed with the aide of my telescope, I decided to test out my pool during my second day outside.

At first, I was a tid bit reluctant. It wasn't like I was much of a swimmer or anything. In fact, I didn't swim at all. Granted, I knew how, but it wasn't something I enjoyed.
The only reason I got the pool was for my future babies. I mean, just because I didn't like to swim didn't mean that they wouldn't take an interest in the water; and if this was the case, I would push my pride aside and teach them how to swim.

Day 3, was actually the most chaotic of the three.

At the crack of dawn, I decided to go for a little job; and when I say little, I do mean little. I only jogged about three blocks before returning home.

Since I was already dirty and sweaty from my mini-jog, I didn't see any harm in doing some house-cleaning.
Believe it or not, the bathroom wasn't as filthy as I expected it to be.
I wish I could say that about the rest of my house.
It's amazing how cluttered and messy a place can get when all you do is mope around eating cereal and ice cream, and reading magazines and books.

Not only was my house filthy, but I was falling behind on my bills.
The very last thing I needed on my plate was the repo man showing up on my door-step.

On Day 4, nothing fascinating happened. I was feeling strangely fatigued, so I decided to stay inside and catch up on some sleep, but I made up for that the next day.

 Shortly after the sun came up, I decided to take a trip back to my childhood.

When I was a little girl, jumping on the trampoline used to be the highlight of my day; especially when my parents weren't too busy to jump with me. That usually made for tons of laughs.

Those precious memories caused me break out in a smile.
I truly could not wait until I had a little one of my own to snuggle, tickle, kiss, and play with.

My reminiscing was cut shot when I found myself flat on my face.
Out of all of my years of trampoline jumping, that never happened.

I managed to push myself off of the ground, but I was in excruciating pain.
Prehaps that was my cue to go inside.
"Stupid trampoline," I grumbled as I limped towards the door.

Once I made it inside, I eased myself down on the couch.
Maybe I would just be better off watching T.V.
Somewhere between flipping through the channels and laughing at idiotic commercials, I fell alseep.

Truth be told, I didn't feel very refreshed after my nap. I was still sore; and on top of that...

I was feeling a bit queasy.

Not wanting to take any chances, I sprinted to the bathroom.
I would say that I made the right decision, because immediately after stepping through the door, I could feel vomit rising in the back of my throat.
I was closer to the shower than I was the toliet, but let's face it, it's a lot easier cleaning vomit out of your toliet than it is your shower; so I forced myself to stagger to the toliet.

Even after the vomiting ceased, I remained crouched over the toliet.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I stared at the crap in the toliet trying to think about what I ate that morning. Well, jeez, maybe that's what's wrong! You didn't eat anything, Sherlock!

Word to the wise: NEVER jump on a trampoline on an empty stomach. You will regret it.

I hope you found this post captivating and enjoyable!
I'm sorry that it took me so long to get this out! I'm really, really, really sick and I'm flunking like, 3 of my classes, so yeah, I'm sorry to say that the intervals between my posts may be extremely... well, unorganized until I find out what is wrong with me and until I graduate.



  1. Avril, this was AWSOME :) i loved it, cant wait for the next one and hope you get better soon :) xxx

  2. Awwwwwww! Thank you, Melody! :D
    Also, thank you! I hope I get better too!

  3. This post was great :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and cannot wait to see the mini-beau. I'm hoping for a boy personally :P! Keep it up :)

  4. Awwww! Thank you, Catherine!
    I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! I really enjoyed writing it!
    Haha! I was hoping for a boy too, but spoiler alert, she had a girl. =P
    Thank you! :D

    I'll be sure you follow your blog!

  5. Oh My Gosh I love your writing! I can't wait to read more! :D

    ~Dawn Turner~

  6. Aw! Why, thank you, Dawn!
    I just made a new post not too long ago!
    I hope you enjoy it just as much!

  7. This is easily the best challenge I've ever read so far. :)
